Welcome to Sociology 101
Course Syllabus
Office Hours:
Course Description
This course helps students develop a sociological imagination through the introduction and application of basic concepts incorporating global and comparative perspectives.
Sociology, 2e, OpenStax, free to download, here:
Other readings will be assigned and made available (ZERO COST to students) via the course site.
Support Services
For technical assistance, contact the Helpdesk, Academic support services. and writing skills assistance. are available.
Course Objectives
Throughout the course, students will complete a variety of assignments intended to develop the following:
- Reading skills
- Writing skills
- Sociological imagination
- Critical media literacy
- Technology skills
- The ability to understand and write clearly about connections between course material.
Graded Course Components
Attendance in the class is required. Students are expected to attend every class, arrive on time, and stay for the entire length of the class. If this is not possible, students are expected to email me before the class they will have to miss. You begin the semester with 100 points in this area. Each absence is deduction of 5 points from your overall attendance grade. (100 points)
Students are expected to come to each class prepared to participate in discussion when called upon. To augment our classroom discussions, there will be a series of discussion boards here, on this course site. You will mostly accumulate discussion points through your participation on the boards. (200 points)
Regular Quizzes
There will be regular quizzes, given online. Typically, these will be available at the end of class on Thursday and be due by Monday. Quizzes will cover readings and lectures. Students will have the opportunity to re-take quizzes before each deadline. (200 points)
Midterm Exam
The mid-term exam is (date 1) and (date 2). It is given in two parts: an in-class portion (date 1), which includes multiple choice and short answer questions; and a take-home essay (due date 2). Student will have the opportunity to meet with the professor for writing consultations, (and have essays reviewed by a writing tutor - confirming this), before submitting their essay. (300 points)
Final Exam
There will be a cumulative final exam, which will be an in-class multiple choice and short answer exam. (200 points)
Other Information
Structure of the Course: Lecture (Tuesdays) and film (Thursdays), with a online quiz and discussion over the weekend.
Each week, there will be a lecture and a documentary film – or, visual text. Both the lecture and the film relate to the concepts in the required readings. Your goal over the semester is to be able to make connections between all three: the lecture, the film, and the readings.
Most of the films are available through the Hunter Library’s access to the Kanopy Streaming, a film database, but a few are not. Learning to view these critically is as important for accomplishing the goals of the course as learning to read the written texts critically. Each student will be required to print out and bring a video worksheet on days we see films. You'll fill it out in class and hand it in at the end of class. While you can watch films outside of class (if you have to miss), you cannot hand in video worksheets at any other time. Please make a plan now for how you will print these out before class.
Course Grade
Grading is based on an accumulation of points (1,000 points maximum), then converted to the Hunter College Grading Scale.
Academic Integrity Statement
It is important that all the work you do for this course reflects your own effort, ideas, and writing. This is called “intellectual honesty” or “academic honesty.” If you ever have any questions about how to avoid plagiarism, please email me.
Access and Accommodations
In compliance with the American Disability Act of 1990 (ADA) and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Hunter College is committed to ensuring educational parity and accommodations for all students with documented disabilities and/or medical conditions. It is recommended that all students with documented disabilities (Emotional, Medical, Physical and/ or Learning) consult the Office of AccessABILITY located in Room E1124 to secure necessary academic accommodations. For further information and assistance please call (212- 772-4857)/TTY (212- 650- 3230).
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