

Page history last edited by Jessie Daniels 7 years, 1 month ago


There is a robust debate about whether or not lectures are good pedagogy. On the one hand, some argue that lectures in which the professor is the "sage on the stage" are boring and ineffective. Instead, these critics contend that we should be doing less didactic lecturing and shifting to more "flipped classrooms" in which students drive the learning process. Others counter that the lecture is valuable as "irreplaceable models" of adults struggling with knowledge. And still others contend the problem is not with the lecture, but with the craft of lecturing, basically there are just a lot of bad lecturers out there (often driven by terrible Powerpoint slides).


If you do decide to lecture, and might want to use some of these slides.


Presentation Slides

The OpenStax Sociology 2e textbook comes with a set of slides that you can download and use. You can find those under Instructor Resources (requires email sign up). 


In my SOC101 course, I structure the class so that I lecture in the first class each week and screen a related documentary in the second class. The lectures are designed to introduce students to the topic, raise questions, and scaffold some of the required readings. However, my lectures are almost never a direct recitation of what is in the readings rather they are meant to provide a broad framework to help students make connections between readings, films, and the lecture. I also try to build in "Think - Pair - Share" exercises into my lectures. I typically post the lecture slides on the course site (Canvas) after the class meets. And, the way I use this tool is to create image-driven slides with minimal text, with some more information in the "notes" view. (There is science that supports using more images and less text, in case you're interested.)  



My Slide Decks 

You can download, use, remix these slides for your SOC101 course. (Due to file-size restrictions on this site, some of these are uploaded here as PDF's. The editable PPTx versions are all available for download on the Canvas LMS. Email me for access to that.)
















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